정보마당 공지사항


[문화·복지] [Covid-19] 외국인 유학생을 위한 코로나19 백신접종안내(영어ver.)

관리자 21/09/26 16:17 조회 : 737 마감


COVID-19 Vaccination for International Students in Korea

Eligible recipients: Koreans and foreign nationals aged 18 to 49*

✅Reservation System

1.Holders of National Health Insurance

-Making a reservation: A 10-day rotation reservation period*

during which you will make a reservation online** or by phone (call 1399 or a local call center***) based on the last digit of your date of birth (format: YYYY/MM/DD) will begin on August 9, 2021.

2. Non-holders of National Health Insurance

Making a reservation: A 10-day rotation reservation period*

during which you will make a reservation online** based on the last digit of your date of birth (format: YYYY/MM/DD) will begin on August 9,2021. You must reserve your vaccination ata vaccination center.

-If you currently do not have an alien registration number, which involves the submission of your personal information(but short-term travelers staying in Korea for no longer than 90 days are exempted), to make your reservation for vaccination